Hi, this is for you.

This is a letter to anyone and everyone who I have encountered in my life. You are my friend. No matter how deep our relationship is, you are my friend and I care about you. Even if I don’t personally know you, you’re my friend and I care about you. If you need someone toContinue reading “Hi, this is for you.”

Self Care 101 – The List

I’m 22. It’s an odd age because I have just finished college and entered the real world and even though I have a degree, I still had and have a long journey of figuring out what I want to do, but even more important how I’m going to do it.  Since I’ve been on myContinue reading “Self Care 101 – The List”

Accomplished Exhaustion

Guys. I am EXHAUSTED.  Yesterday I definitely thought I was going to die of exhaustion, I have barely slept, my schedules are crazy and on top of that I can feel little germs trying to invade my blood and my nostril tubes and get me sick and I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR GERMS RIGHTContinue reading “Accomplished Exhaustion”

The Beautiful Unknown

Life in LA consists of uncertainty, uneasy nerves… the life of not knowing what’s next.  I will be honest, I have no idea what I am doing with my life right now. There are so many directions I want to explore and learn about – I am lost on where to even start.  Last nightContinue reading “The Beautiful Unknown”